Our Dedicated Staff Has Provided Services All Across the country

Our locker trucks and mobile bag check systems provide efficient, effective, and simple services for events of all types, sizes, and duration.

Sporting Events

Create a stress-free race for runners, cyclists, and OCR competitors by offering locker rentals on their big day.


Give fans and attendees the option to check it with us at stadiums, arenas, ballparks, concerts, and festivals.


Give your athletes peace of mind at your next road race or sporting event with our convenient mobile gear check service.


Give your athletes peace of mind at your next road race or sporting event with our convenient mobile gear check service.

Just Check It’s Partners!

Our onsite operations teams are always ready for more events. We can be ready with as little as 24-hours notice (although we prefer a bit more of a head’s up!). Connect with one of our team members today: